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Thank you for visiting our sermon page. We hope you enjoy listening to the sermons. If you would like to watch a sermon or the entire service go to Youtube channel FBCPenticton. To get notified about up coming videos and our Sunday live steam “subscribe” to the page.

We hope that you will join us on Sunday mornings at 10:30 am for our Sunday service.

“keep your eye on the target”

Pastor Clark shares from Ezra 7:2,28; 8:21-23 as Ezra returns home for exile to help teach God’s laws.

“to be continued…”

Pastor Clark shares from Ezra 5:1-6 where two prophets Haggai and Zechariah show up to get rebuilding underway again.

“the great return”

Pastor Clark shares from Ezra 2:64-3:6 as we continue to see how those returing from exile rebuild their lives.

“renewal of the heart”

Pastor Clark will look at the book of Ezra over the next few weeks starting with Ezra 1:1-11.

“The Sun will rise tomrrow”

Pastor Clark shares from Jeremiah 31:31-24 and Hosea 2:21-23 as he introduces a new sermon series on the book of Ezra.

“Go and do likewise”

Pastor Les shares from Matthew 7:13-29 as we wrap up our series on the Sermon on The Mount.

“To Be Continued…”

Pastor Les shares from Mark 16:1-8 as we celebrate Jesus on Easter Sunday.