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Tithes, Donations & Special Projects

First Baptist is registered with and Church Center App, to provide secure and convenient online donations.  If you have any specific instructions for how you would like your offering designated, let us know by selecting “General Budget”, then provide additional instructions  in the “Message for Penticton First Baptist”.

Offering Box: If you are joining us for church on a Sunday morning there is an offering box on the wall as you enter the sanctuary. We no longer pass an offering plate during the service. We want everyone to feel welcome and if they wish to give financially without any pressure.  If you would like to be part of our offering envelope system please speak to Loni in the office. 

E-Transfer: Please follow the steps below. 

  1. Login to your account on your computer or mobile app.
  2. Select the interact e-transfer option from the menu.
  3. Follow the steps to send money by setting up a new contact (First Baptist Church) for giving.
  4. Use this email address
  5. Set the security question and answer. 
  6. Please indicate that it is for “General Giving” or designated for a special fund. 
  7. Email: to notify them of the securty answer. 

Canadahelps: will provide you with a tax receipt and you will see Canada Helps on your credit or bank statement, however your donation will be received by First Baptist.   If you have any questions about online giving or how the online tools are managed please give us a call.