“Changing our expectations!”
Pastor Clark continues in our series on meditative prayer looking at John 10:1-14, the story of the good shepherd.
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Pastor Clark continues in our series on meditative prayer looking at John 10:1-14, the story of the good shepherd.
Pastor Clark shares from Matthew 23:23-38 as we continue our series on meditative prayer.
Pastor Clark continues his look into meditative prayer and the many characters in the Bible that spent their lives committed to prayer.
Pastor Clark looks at 1 Kings 19:9-15 as we see Elijah running for his life despite all he has seen God do in his life.… Read More »“God at work, stop and listen!”
Pastor Clark shares from Mathew 16:21-28 as Jesus predicts his death and the disciples don’t understand what is about to happen.
Pastor Clark shares from Matthew 16:13-20 as Peter confesses that Jesus is the Messiah and is given a position of leadership.
Pastor Clark shares from Matthew 15:21-28 as Jesus encounters the Canaanite women and the remarkdable faith she has in him.
Val Fenn shares about the Gleaners and Diane MacDonald shares about her work with Ukrainian families.
Pastor Del Riemer shares from Genesis 4:1-15 as he shares about the story of Cain and Able.
The Regional Minister of CBWC Larry Schram shares from Matthew 13:24-35. Jesus has “some things” he wants to tell about the kindgom of God.