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We hope that you will join us on Sunday mornings at 10:30 am for our Sunday service.
Pastor Del from Summerland Baptist Church is sharing with us today as we continue in our series on the Sermon on the Mount.
“framework for prayer”
Pastor Clark share from Mattew 6:5-15 as we continue our series through the Sermon on the Mount.
“Faulty Motivation”
We continue our series through The Sermon on the Mount as we look at Matthew 6:1-4.
“the real measure of love”
Pastor Clark shares from Matthew 5:38-48 as we continue in our series on The Sermon on The Mount.
“kingdom citizenship”
Pastor Clark shares from Matthew 5:21-37 as we continue in our series throught the Sermon on the Mount.
“Tasty and bright”
Pastor Clark shares from Matthew 5:13-20 as we continue in our series through the Sermon on the Mount.
“Double-sided tape”
Pastor Clark shares from Matthew 5:1-12 as we begin a new series on the Sermon on the Mount.
BC Adult and TEen Challenge
It was a pleasure to have Executive Director Janalyn Oige and a coulple of the men share from their experince at the centre and struggle… Read More »BC Adult and TEen Challenge