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Thank you for visiting our sermon page. We hope you enjoy listening to the sermons. If you would like to watch a sermon or the entire service go to Youtube channel FBCPenticton. To get notified about up coming videos and our Sunday live steam “subscribe” to the page.

We hope that you will join us on Sunday mornings at 10:30 am for our Sunday service.

“breath of fresh air”

Pastor Clark shares from John 20:19-31 on the evening of the resurrection and Jesus’ first visit with the disciples.

“From nonsense to clarity”

Pastor Clark shares form Luke 24:1-12 on Easter Sunday as the disciples find out that the tomb is empty.

“The great dinner party”

Pastor Clark shares from John 12:1-8, Jesus is the gest of honour at a dinner party after he raises Lazarus from the dead.

“embracing love”

Pastor Les shares from Luke 15:1-3; 11-32 in a familiar story of the prodigal son.

A “taking stock” recipe

Pastor Les shares from Luke 13:1-9 as we continue through lent and our study in Luke.

“committed to the cause”

Pastor Clark shares from Luke 13:31-35 as we move further into Lent and Jesus’ journey to Jerusalem.

“Wilderness Testing”

Pastor Les shares from Luke 4:1-13 on this first Sunday of Lent as we continue our series through Luke.