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Thank you for visiting our sermon page. We hope you enjoy listening to the sermons. If you would like to watch a sermon or the entire service go to Youtube channel FBCPenticton. To get notified about up coming videos and our Sunday live steam “subscribe” to the page.

We hope that you will join us on Sunday mornings at 10:30 am for our Sunday service.

“tis the season of accessibility”

Pastor Clark shares from Luke 1:68-79 and 3:1-6 as we continue in this season of Advent and look at John the Baptist.

“Autumn Lessons”

Pastor Les shares from Psalm 65:11-13 and Isaiah 55:12 as we experience a season of change.

“stranger in the world”

Pastor Clark shares about the persecuted church from 1 Peter 2:21-23; 4:12-13, and reflects on the past year with Covid-19.

“practicing the word-centered life”

Pastor Clark and Les will share about living out the word-centered life and give some thoughts on this important tradition.